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30-Day Intensive

30-Day Intensive

Bouts of long-term recovery sometimes lead to a relapse. This individualized, intensive recovery regimen brings people back to their recovery lifestyle.

Over the course of 30 days, we help you learn more about why you became addicted, and help you take your recovery to the next level. We also work to renew your practice with the 12-steps.

60-Day Recovery Program

60-Day Program

Our 60-day recovery program focuses not on why drugs and alcohol are the problem, but why they have become a not-so-effective solution.

During our 60-day program, men focus on recreating their lives. They actively participate in the proven 12-step recovery process. They regain life skills, relationship skills, and the ability to have fun while sober.

90-Day Recovery Program

90-Day Program

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Our 90-day recovery program offers a more powerful restorative experience. The 12-step discipline is integrated into daily living. Maintaining interpersonal relationships becomes second nature. Getting up everyday to participate in a healthy work environment creates a new set of mental and emotional habits.

With 90-days, we can create a well-grounded experience tailored to each resident. Every person who suffers from alcoholism and/or drug addiction got there through their own unique circumstances. This means each one of us has different recovery needs.

Being prepared for maintaining a sober life requires attention, practice, and support. Ample time and individualized attention lead to a confident sobriety.

Additional Services

Sometimes We Need a Little More Help 

Our programs are designed to lay the groundwork for long-term sobriety, but sometimes you need additional support. We know the ropes and can help you with the following services for an additional fee.

Mental Health

We understand the importance of having access to quality mental health providers. 


We connect you with an independently contracted LCDC and/or Psychiatrist upon request. By outsourcing clinical offerings, it raises the standards on the quality of care received.


Our clinical model include:

  • Larger selection of quality therapist

  • Therapies to treat specific areas of concern

  • Ability to keep your therapist upon discharge from Ranch House Recovery

Extended Mentor Program

Other times, you just need help with living life outside of treatment.


Ranch House Recovery’s extended mentorship program is designed to be an extra layer of accountability with continuity of care. The client will work with a staff member of RHR, that they are familiar with, as they navigate the early phases of their recovery outside the confines of Ranch House Recovery. Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Weekly dedicated one hour check in with mentor

  • Weekly phone call with the family 

  • Monthly events with other clients in mentorship program

  • Scheduled quarterly social events

  • Network of support resources

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